POST #5 — The way we focus our mind in social interactions and meditation affect our bodies and minds in many profound ways. Here is a study scheduled for publication that shows how mindful meditation affects genes. This study is slated for publication in the February 2014 issue of the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology.
“It’s no secret that mindfulness meditation — a practice that encourages focusing attention on the present moment — can ease emotional stress. And evidence is mounting that mindfulness also may have key benefits for your physical health — from lowering blood pressure to helping curb addiction. But a new study conducted by researchers working in Wisconsin, Spain, and France shows that mindfulness can even affect your genes. Specifically, the study shows that mindfulness can limit the “expression” of genes associated with inflammation.”
Dr. Lieff discusses additional scientific findings that show a very extensive and complicated way that our mental activity profoundly affects our body and brain. It is vitally important to know how to direct and use our minds.