All posts by Path of Transformation

Let’s Begin

The Forward of my first book was written by my friend Vinayak Krishna Gokak a distinguished Indian writer and poet.Here is an excerpt.


Dr. Sandweiss’ own experiences with Baba are not only interesting but fairly typical…Allowing his skepticism to fly as high and as long as it can, he still realizes that, if there is any honesty in doubt, it has to admit and accept the existence of a soul and a transcendental reality—a new spiritual dimension to the universe. He also grasps the truth about the role of the Avatar in human affairs. In short, Dr. Sandweiss undergoes a profound transformation. He becomes a different person, gaining as he does a new spiritual dimension.

It is his sensitive discernment, his honesty and forthrightness in the course of his exploration that will endear Dr. Sandweiss to the readers of this book. A transparent sincerity permeates this piece of writing. The writer takes his readers into confidence regarding all the changes in his thoughts and moods…This is what makes it a genuine document of human sensitivity and of the psychology of profound inner changes.

Vinayak Krishna Gokak
Brindavan Whitefield Bangalore, India

2nd clip of the video, “Who is Sathya Sai Baba?”

Prior — Who is Sathya Sai Baba?

Next — Stories of Miracles


Click here for all audio chapters of the Holy Man book.

FREE Audio Chapters of the Holy Man Book


holy man and the psychiatrist

Below are all the audio chapters of the Holy Man book. Happy listening.

Listen to the Introduction the Holy Man Book here.

Listen to Ch 1 & 2 here. Sweets, Sweets — Good News

Listen to Ch 3 & 4 here. Letters Home — First Meeting

Ch 5 From Thin Air

Ch 6 Shattered Rock

Ch 7 Psychiatry & Spirituality

Ch 8 Monkey Mind

Ch 9 & 10 Caduceus & Kundalini — A Soul In Transformation

Part 2 Quote Coming Home

Ch 11 The Avatar

Ch 12 Gold Spot

Ch 13 Prasanthi Nilayam

Ch 14 Burning To Ash

Ch 15 A Trip Of Love

Ch 16A Questions & Answers

Ch 16B (Continuing)

Ch 16C (Continuing)

Ch 17A Sai Baba’s Teachings

Ch 17B (Continuing)

Ch 18 Lotus Feet



Scene One

There has never been a proven case of Xenoglossy — someone speaking a known language that he/she had no prior knowledge of. The first task of a scientist is to answer the question, “Did this event actually happen?” There must be a painstaking examination of any possible prior exposure to the language. Here is the first scene from the video I developed about this fascinating case.

Next Credentials of Dr. Jon Lieff our science consultant on the case of Xenoglossy.

Back to opening section.