POST #4 — Is mind part of everything in creation? Can we find a complex mind in a bee — or in a virus? Here Dr. Lieff describes a level of complexity and intelligence in even a virus that leads him to the opinion that mind is found everywhere in creation.
All posts by Path of Transformation
Mind extends beyond the brain
POST #3 — Dr. Lieff comments about a scientific observation that mind extends beyond our brain.
What is the mind?
What is the mind?
POST #2 — How much does science know about mind and where it comes from? Here is a clip of an interview between Dr. Jon Lieff (see his credentials ) and Dr. Samuel Sandweiss
Getting To Know Dr. Jon Lieff
Sai Baba’s first teaching through a song, “Manasa Bhajore,” was about immersing our mind in divinity to travel safely across the troubled waters of the outer world.
He has also said that the mind is the cause of bondage or liberation — and that it takes the shape of the vessel it is in. When the mind is in the outer sensory material world it is limited and subject to change and suffering. When it merges into the heart-love it becomes infinite and full of peace, bliss, and love. How do we understand this teaching and what does science understand about the mind?
Mainstream science, with its focus on matter, assumes that consciousness arises from the physical brain. Spiritual teachings, on the other hand, focus on the more subtle realm of spirit, love, consciousnes and assert that infinite consciousness is the origin of all. Vedantic teachings, for example, clearly asserts that infinite consciousness is God. Recent findings in mind research and quantum mechanics physics are causing some scientists to question the material basis of consciousness and to entertain the possibility that consciousness is primary.
Following is our science series about our mind — where is its origin — what is the extent of its potential — and how we choose to think and act changes our brains, bodies, and even our DNA. Dr. Jon Lieff, psychiatrist will be our scientific consultant.
If you don’t know about our science series you can read about it all here.
Below, Dr. Lieff describes his credentials and interests. You can find out more about Dr. Lieff and current scientific findings about mind at his blog, ” Searching For The Mind,” at the following link.
To Post #2 — What is the mind?
Educare Series
Dr. Hymon Johnson is the Director of ISSE (the Institute of Sathya Sai Education) in the U.S. Here are sections of a 2 hour interview with him held on 10 February 2014 in which he describes Educare and its importance for a healthy society.
To listen or read FREE
Click here for all audio chapters of the “Holy Man” book.
Click here for audio chapters of the “With Love Man Is God” book.
Click here to buy the “Holy Man” book for Kindle from Amazon.
Click here to read FREE the “With Love Man Is God” book.
Click for full FREE “Spirit And The Mind” book.
Miracle Series
When, as a young psychiatrist, I 1st heard about Sathya Sai Baba, I was most intrigued by stories about his miracles. I was looking for a sign that humans were in fact capable of heightened powers as described in the lives of saints and yogis. I thought that the only way I could be convinced of higher consciousness was to see a concrete miracle. In my 40 year relationship with Sai Baba I have seen plenty–and I’d like to share some with you. Let’s start with the account of a “raising the dead,” told by Gopalkrishna, the son the of the Rajah of Venkatagiri. This video was taken on November 22, 2005 at Prashanthi Nilayam.
POST #1 Raising The Dead — told by Gopalkrisha Venkatagiri on 22 Nov. 2005
POST #2 Raising The Dead
Walter and Elsie Cowan (both now deceased) report their experiences of Sai Baba bringing Walter back from death. When Walter asked Sai Baba if his experience is the same as all people who die, Sai Baba replied “no” and that Walter’s experience was what his mind could grasp. Sai Baba has said that the last moment of life is our most important, and we will go to the place of our last thoughts/experiences. This video clip is taken from the film “The Man Of Miracles” produced by Don C. Como.
POST #3 Vibhuti Abhishekam miracle 1
Vibhuti represents the eternal Atma — what is left when everything transient is burned away. It represents the truth of a higher consciousness that is eternal and all pervasive — our real nature, although we are unaware of it. Sai says that he has come to re-educate the human community to take to the path to Truth, Atmic awareness, the path to peace.
POST #4 Vibhuti Abhishekam miracle 2–additional footage
POST #5 Shiva Lingum miracle
The oblong shaped Shiva Lingum is a symbol of God. The oblong shape represent duality (egg shape) emerging from and merging back into the one (circle shape). The purpose of our lives is to merge back into the one. Further post will show how this path of transformation leads us into society, where we overcome selfishness to build unity, oneness. For more information go to the video “Love All, Serve All.”
POST #6 Sai’s Kashmir Trip In June 1980 — Materializations of a Shiva Lingum and an Idol
POST #7 Here is the vivid recalling with drawings of mother Ganga paying a visit to Sai Baba in 1946.
POST #8 Here is the vivid recalling with drawings of Sai showing His third eye in 1947.
POST #9 Materializations in Kulwant Hall
POST #10 Sai Speaks About Miracles
To listen or read FREE
Click here for all audio chapters of the “Holy Man” book.
Click here for audio chapters of the “With Love Man Is God” book.
Click here to buy the “Holy Man” book for Kindle from Amazon.
Click here to read FREE the “With Love Man Is God” book.
Click for FREE “Spirit And The Mind” book.
Sai Baba’s first teaching through a song, “Manasa Bhajore,” was about immersing our mind in divinity to travel safely across the troubled waters of the outer world.
He has also said that the mind is the cause of bondage or liberation — and that it takes the shape of the vessel it is in. When the mind is in the outer sensory material world it is limited and subject to change and suffering. When it merges into the heart-love it becomes infinite and full of peace, bliss, and love. How do we understand this teaching and what does science understand about the mind?
Mainstream science, with its focus on matter, assumes that consciousness arises from the physical brain. Spiritual teachings, on the other hand, focus on the more subtle realm of spirit, love, consciousnes and assert that infinite consciousness is the origin of all. Vedantic teachings, for example, clearly asserts that infinite consciousness is God. Recent findings in mind research and quantum mechanics physics are causing some scientists to question the material basis of consciousness and to entertain the possibility that consciousness is primary.
Following is our science series about our mind — where is its origin — what is the extent of its potential — and how we choose to think and act changes our brains, bodies, and even the way our DNA is expressed. Dr. Jon Lieff, psychiatrist will be our scientific consultant.
POST #1 — Below, Dr. Lieff describes his credentials and interests. You can find out more about Dr. Lieff and current scientific findings about mind at his blog, ” Searching For The Mind,” at the following link.
POST #2 — How much does science know about mind and where it comes from? Here is a clip of an interview between Dr. Jon Lieff (see his credentials above) and Dr. Samuel Sandweiss
POST #3 — Dr. Lieff comments about a scientific observation that mind extends beyond our brain.
POST #4 — Is mind part of everything in creation? Can we find a complex mind in a bee — or in a virus? Here Dr. Lieff describes a level of complexity and intelligence in even a virus that leads him to the opinion that mind is found everywhere in creation.
POST #5 Dr. Lieff discusses additional scientific findings that show a very extensive and complicated way that our mental activity profoundly affects our body and brain. It is vitally important to know how to direct and use our minds.
POST #6 — Dr. Jon Lieff discusses the intelligence found in biology and how the laws of quantum mechanics are found in the field of biology. He discusses the intelligence found in photosynthesis as well as found in the life of termites.
To listen FREE
Click here for all audio chapters of the “Holy Man” book.
Click here to buy the “Holy Man” book for Kindle from Amazon.
Click here to read FREE the “With Love Man Is God” book.
Click here for audio chapters of the “With Love Man Is God” book.