A “Miracle”

Something extraordinary, some would call it a “miracle,” happened to me in the course of my psychiatric practice when a young Western patient out of the blue and with no knowledge of Sanskrit, and very little of India, began speaking Sanskrit about complicated Eastern mystical thought.

Psychiatrist Dr. Jon Lieff M.D.(exceptional mental states), physicist Dr. G. Venkataraman Ph.D. (consciousness in physics), disaster relief advisor Narendra Reddy M.D., Sanskrit scholar Dr. Sthaneshwar Timalsina, and I presented this case at the annual American Psychiatric Association meeting in San Francisco on May 20th, 2013. About 14,000 psychiatrist and mental health workers from the U.S.A. and around the world attend this 4 day meeting.

Here is how our session was described in a daily bulletin sent to the Psychiatric attendees – about 300 Psychiatrists attended our session.

APA article


Following are beginning segments of this fascinating case.

1. Opening Scene

2. Credentials of Dr. Jon Lieff

3. What is this case about?

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Click here to read FREE the “With Love Man Is God” book.

Click here for audio chapters of the “With Love Man Is God” book.

A Message About Unity From Our Pathoftransformation Team.

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